Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to Life. Back to Reality.

Summer came and went! I am SO Thankful for the time I had home with my daughter. It is just not in the financial cards for me to stay at home at this point in life. Believe me, I've tried every way I can think of to make it happen. Not. Possible. Rather than focus on the saddness that brings me..I am choosing Joy. I am lucky, grateful, thankful, and estatic about the school and people I get to work at and with! My daughter is at a daycare where she is loved and well taken care of. She is right down the road. My husband is helping with the responsibilty of dropping her off. I pick her up. This way I can still breastfeed, get dressed, and to work...hopefully on time. ;) Aubree Kate is 5 months old! Wowsers! I can't believe it. You mommas out there didn't warn me of the emotions and the fact that times flies in the blink of an eye. It really is one of my goals to write a book about after delivery some day! I have so much to say about that! I am thankful for those who understand and lend a helping hand even when you say you don't need it! God bless you!

I will make it a point to keep up with this blog better than the last. AND hopefully there will be more the 21 followers because of it. We. Shall. See.

I have so much to say about Back to School and all I've been doing to prepare for it, but for now I'm signing off because I've been at the school all morning and on the computer since I got home!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are blogging again. I'm trying to blog at least 5 times a week but it's hard to stay on track. Love you girl! Praying for a great year!
